Our Project needs a lot of static light, when I use world composition, it shows “world composition is deprecated, consider converting to world partition”. Can I use world composition in UE5.2?
I would also like to know this. It doesn’t seem like there’s a way to programmatically load world partition levels, or set their transform.
It seems like world partition only works for open world games, but not games where you need to load sublevels programmatically / procedurally.
It never really allowed manual loading that way without changing/creating custom loaders.
In ue5 you have DataLayers.
You can levarage those to achieve loading things in correctly/as you want.
No one should be using unreal engine 5 for active development considering all the bugs and flaws it comes with at this time.
World partition is still very much bugged and very much in an unacceptable state going by all the posts complaining about different things that are wrong with it.
but, if you really want to use something that’s likely to break and cause development delays, then you are better off figuring out Data Layers…