Can i use the UE4 Editor to make a World for my own Game-engine?

I’ll make my own Game- Engine and want to make the map with the Unreal Engine 4 Editor.
Is it allowed to use the UE4 Editor to make a World for my own Game-engine?

Hi Sly Jannis,

In the scenario you describe, your product would contain Unreal Engine .umap assets and that would then require a royalty payment from gross sales of the product.

If this is in regards to a level-editor for a game, there are some options: UE4 can be used as itself for world building (the players of the game have to get their own copies of UE4 to make mods) OR the developer can make a proprietary editor without any direct UE4 parts, but it can be similar in feature (no direct code or images could be reused).

Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to clarify.


thank you!