Can i use the Paragon characters for commercial purposes?

The Paragon characters in the market place are free but are they licensed to be free for commercial usage or for personal usage only ?

Yes, as far as I know, all free Epic content is free to use however you like. The only catch is that you use it in Unreal Engine creations only


ok thank you very much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

How accurate is this answer please ? I wanted to ask the same question, but I can’t get a straight and 100% clear answer, so I won’t get into trouble for copyrights etc . On the EPIC’s website in Paragon section it says : YOU CAN USE IT FOR FREE WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED ! And yet, in CONTENT USAGE says : " Without Epic’s written permission, Marketplace products created by Epic for an Epic game may not be used to create sequels or recreate, emulate, or republish those games ".

It’s so unclear and so frustrating :@@@ such an amazing assets, not to be able to use commercially for our own projects … or maybe I am not understanding well :frowning:

That is correct. I’ve learned that you can use these assets for your commercial projects. However, you cannot create a ‘Paragon Remake’, ‘Paragon 2’ or ‘prequel’ because of registered trademarks and logos. Other than that, Take a look at Epic’s Game Store and Steam Store, and you’ll see games like Predecessor, Fault, Sparrow, that all use Paragon assets, but as completely different IPs.


So …

  1. I take the Sparrow Character, give her a name : THE RAVEN ;
  2. Name the Game : Welcome to My Wonderland ( haha ) ;
  3. Import all those SFX and VFX from Paragon and create some explosions etc ;
  4. Selling the game for 10$ .

Am I good to go? :smiley:

Given that you will be using Unreal Engine, why not? ‘Sparrow’ seems to be a good example. Perhaps you may want to reach the dev team and hear from them. And the royalties are paid to Epic only after you reach a certain value in revenues. Please take a closer look at Epic’s terms and conditions and licensing. Good luck in your project.


Yeah the royalties after that 1M$ on quarterly basis etc . I can see they used the Paragon Assets to create their own game , but I don’t know if they had to obtain a permission from EPIC prior creating the game . It’s a bit confusing, or maybe I am just paranoid hehe. Either way, thanks a lot for your time and help, much appreciated :slight_smile:

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