I’m would like to make my own tutorial series in french that will be posted on platforms such as udemy and I have two questions:
Can I use the free assets of the marketplace in my own tutorials?
Can I use the assets (such as animations) that I bought on the marketplace in my own tutorials?
I know that each asset that I buy on the marketplace can be used in a game that I want to sell. But does the same rule apply to tutorials that I want to sell?
Some precisions about my tutorial: I would like to use an animation set that I bought to make my tutorial. That means that I will give a UE4 project to my student that contains these paid animations.
from my experience its usually fine to use bought assets for tutorials as long as your not distributing them. so you could use them in a video as props or when making points, but giving them away or selling them would be no good.
Also i do not work for epic so im just providing opinion and my view on the matter.