Can I Use Separated Physics World?

I have too many Objects in World. So When I Move(SetActorTransform) Physics Object, It takes too many miliseconds in frame.
Interaction objects and control objects, they only simulate each others, not simulate other objects. but they seems to be simulate all objects.
I want to make isolated phyics world, and insert interaction objects and control object only. I think it will simulate fast.
How can i do this?
Hope to learn from your ideas.

Hey there @hhopark! Welcome back to the community! So just so I understand, you are having some performance issues due to a large number of physics objects right?

You are trying to find a way to basically have a different instance where the physics is being handled or just avoid certain groups of physics objects from interacting?

Yes. I move hand object every frames. When hand object overlaps tool object, hand object interacts tool object.
I want physics simulation occurs only hand object and tool objects. But when I move hand object, may physics simulation occurs any other objects.
More world objects in world, move hand object(SetActorTransform) takes more time in profiling.(Hand object SetWorldTransform → UpdateOveralps Time…)

I gotcha, so if I understand correctly, you just need the hand and the other components not to bother evaluating their collisions at all while still being able to designate what objects you can interact with.

In this case you could set up another collision channel for objects that can be selected so that the selector doesn’t wake up/evaluate the collision for objects you don’t want in the meantime.

So start by adding a new collision channel like in these docs:

then either at runtime or in editor you can change the tools over to that and set the handler to ignore the other objects on that channel or another depending on what’s happening at runtime.

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Thank you for answering.
Hand object can Ignore all other Object Type. But tool objects must block other world objects.
I try to calculate overlapping manually.

With the custom object type that should allow you to designate that, and if need be update it at runtime. Let me know if you have any trouble!