Can I use pirated assets for filmmaking?

I know using pirated assets for video games development is a BAD IDEA as it’ll defo get you into a lot of trouble for profiting off your game. But does the same apply to Rendered Films? I’m not talking about entire scenes being pirated assets, rather some metahuman clothing that i can’t afford. I know many of you will ■■■■ on me for asking but please understand my desperation… ty.

I’m borrowing your words: “using pirated assets for [insert context here] is a BAD IDEA”.
If you are so desperate, try to use this hunger to embrace the limitations, push yourself to improve, and mix them into a unique stylistic result.
After all there are dozens of no-budget films that were amazing.
Consider this:
There are a ton of free assets here on the marketplace, and also free software like Blender, Krita, Armor Paint, Mixamo and Da Vinci Resolve are a thing.
Just invest in yourself and learn how to use them properly.
Also, there are thousands of tutorials out there.
Be the better version of yourself and be more committed to growing! You will be surprised how much you can do with your own hands.
However, if you cannot cover every aspect of the asset creation, find another person like you and divide the burden. Don’t surrender. At the end of the day, it’s never about assets; it’s about learning how to deliver your vision and work with others.
If it’s not worth your effort, there are no “pirated assets” good enough to help you anyway.