Can i use metahuman character to represent Q&A service?

I want to animate a MH character using a neutral network based solution (which is permitted, as i have read in one of the questions here).

The question is: can I use a generated MH character to be “the face” of a hybrid Q&A service where either a human, or an automated system gives answers to my clients?

I am not sure if the following paragraphs of the MH EULA allow me to do that:
1.2 Restrictions and Limitations.

(d) make it available to third parties on a software-as-a-service, hosted service, time-sharing, service bureau or similar basis


(g) access or use it with a bot or other automated tool

You are permitted to use a Metahuman character asset for the purpose you described, provided that asset is rendered in UE.

The restrictions you highlighted apply to the Metahuman Creator application, so (d) means you can’t provide access to MHC on those bases and (g) means you can’t use an automated tool to access MHC.

Thank you for taking your time to answer my question, I appreciate it!