Hello guys im new in here and UE4. I have a few questions. Firstly i want to make a game with UE4, can i use Free Assets in Assets Store? Sounds,Objects,Characters exc. If i can use them freely, and if i can make succesfully game with that assets, can i sell that game? If i can use that assets can i need a give a credit? Thanks for your help.
So can i use sounds? Walking Sound,Scream Sound,Door Opening Sound, Talking Sound exc.?
Last question, i found a free asset but asset’s owner isn’t Epic Games. Can i use that asset right?
I want to use that:
It says: Permanent Collection Unreal Engine Sponsored Content for September 2019!
Can use that assets?
Thanks a lot!
Yes, you can. But, only the assets themselves. You just can’t use the same names or stories or anything.
So, for example, if you were to download Paragon Shinbi, you could use her image, her animations, etc. etc., but you can’t name your character “Shinbi” or pretend that this is something that actually happened in the Paragon universe owned by Epic.
You can use all free assets Epic gives you, including sounds.
That depends entirely on where you got it.
If Epic doesn’t own it (or didn’t put it up in their store), they can’t give you the legal right to use it in UE games. Only the ones that own it can do that.
Also, I forgot to mention. Epic only gives you the right to use their free assets in UNREAL ENGINE games only. So, if you use them in a different engine, you can’t use Epic assets in them for free there.
Yes. Anything in their marketplace is intended to be used in games. That’s why it is there. They want to make making games easier for everyone.
The only area that I vaguely think might be of issue is something with plug-ins. Sometimes the plug-ins are their own thing. But that isn’t a plug-in. You can use the assets as you wish and sell a game with it.
Can i use full building kits,just like kitbash3D kit,for use my games,and can i publish ?