Too my knowledge, and I could be wrong; you are only able to use lambda on certain delegates, and only as a static function pointer. I think it would be good for BindAction, but the devs would need to sort that out, or create a class inheriting from UInputComponent and overriding BindAction.
This doesn’t seem to be possible for the Enhanced Input, anymore.
FEnhancedInputActionEventDelegateBinding<void()> Binding(Action, ETriggerEvent::Triggered); // doesn't accept FName
Binding.Delegate. ??? // doesn't have `GetDelegateForManualSet`
Cast<UEnhancedInputComponent>(InputComponent)-> ??? // doesn't have a way to add `FEnhancedInputActionEventDelegateBinding`
this would work, but doesnt account for the InputActionValue that is passed from the InputComponent
EDIT: im dumb. this does work perfectly. to get the FInputActionValue passed, all you have to do is ensure the template function is inside the CPP file AND have it as a parameter within the function. the BindAction will automatically pass the FInputActionValue if present