Can I use all the sources on the marketplace to make my game that is sold for some money and whether I can use the sources that my friend buys directly without paying money myself

when I open up the marketplace, I can found many unreal engine 4 sources on it, some are free and some have a price that I need to pay. I want to use the sources to make my game and sell it on some platform like steam for a price. I just wonder whether it is ok to use the free or not free sources on the marketplace to build my game for sale and whether I really need to buy the source to make it under my account because I may use it from my friends ,one of my friends likes to make games a lot and he has bought a lot of soureces in the marketplace.

The simple answer is yes and no, but you can only use assets you downloaded from the marketplace for commercial use. If your friend did buy any assets, you cannot use them if you don’t pay for them , or downloded the assets from the marketplace. So the answer is: If you did download the assets from your account from the marketplace, then you can use the for your game and earn money, unless Epic Games send you an e-mail and and tell you that 1 or more assets cannot be used. For non commercial use, like you help someone or make a game, then you can use them as long as you don’t give out the game.

This links will give you the info you need: