I have a pretty big Roblox game that I want to remake in UEFN. Is it possible to add the terrain from that game into UEFN?
Hey packrunner69,
You can import the heightmap, not sure about the layers though.
UEFN doesn’t do caves like Roblox terrain, its like its more rigid with fixed X and Y locations in a single layer sheet, so you cannot get a cave, or a truly vertical cliff face, just a really steep one… if you know what I mean. You have to delete a terrain piece and manually add cave props to build it
Edit: Sorry using the visibilty brush in Landscape tools is better than deleting terrain pieces…
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How would you get a height map from Roblox terrain?
I’m not really sure, I think you can select the terrain and right click, select export and make an OBJ from roblox, then import it into blender and generate a PNG heightmap from it, which then can be used by UEFN
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