Can I submit content that has its design copyrighted?

If I were to make something like a Star Wars Tie fighter, would I be able to put that on the marketplace?


Judging by the content submission guidelines, you will not be able to submit trademarked/copyrighted designs. Here are the relevant sections:

Restricted Content

-You must have all
rights to redistribute all components
of the content.

-The content must not
use any trademarks/logos/brands that
you do not own.

-The content must not
contain anything that may be deemed

Public Domain Content

We do
permit the use of content that is
available in the public domain and
available for redistribution. This is
meant primarily to help with
presentation materials for Blueprints
and code plugins, not a shortcut to
quickly publish art content you didn’t
create. We can tell the difference,
and we are keeping a close eye on
exactly how public domain content is
used. We have four conditions that
must be met in order for us to accept
public domain content:

-Public domain content cannot be the
majority of your submission.

-You must cite the source of the content.

-You must include a link to the source
content on the product page that
includes the public domain usage

Epic will verify via that
link that the content is in the public
domain and redistributable.

Hope that clears it up for you, for more info you can read the whole guidelines page here:
