Can I streaming video from live link face to network? (Live Link Face Videofeed to NDI/Spout)

Can I streaming video from live link face to network?
I am trying to achieve high quality AR compositing with real footage on PC with UE5.
The current live link face app can only stream mocap data or record the footage on the phone. Is it possible to somehow stream the video over the network? So we can composite that footage with alpha enabled renders from Unreal engine in software like OBS?

I know live link face can record videos. But I want to do everything in realtime, capture, mocap, render, compositing, all in real time. For vtubing with mixed render and real footage.

You can use NDI to send iPhone video to Unreal. It’s video only and doesn’t use live link.

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Thank you. I actually tried this. and run into a problem where I can’t mocap and stream video at the same time. There is an OBS app on app store where I can send NDI stream over network to OBS on the PC, but I also need to have the live link face working at the same times. Basically, iphone doesn’t allow me to have two apps to run simultaneously. So I am stuck. I might have to use a second camera, but then the persepctive will be slightly off.

Yes, the problem in your specific use case. Wondering if you could stack 2 phones just offset enough to clear the camera.

Was able to do this by stacking an iPad and iPhone, it was decent