I have balls colliding with one another on a surface. I want the balls to bounce off each other even at very low speeds, so I have set the global Bounce Threshold Velocity to a low value. However this is causing undesired bouncing between the balls and the surface. Is there a way to set Ball-Ball bounce threshold to one value and Ball-Surface bounce threshold to a different value? The balls and the surface have two different physics materials applied to them.
You should be able to set the restitution/ball bounce threshold to be very low for the surface, and very high for the ball if they both have separate physical materials
Does that answer your question?
If I set the restitution of the surface material to 0.0 (with combine mode set to Min) the balls are still visibly bouncing on the surface for some reason.
Doing that does stop the bouncing between the balls and the surface, but it also means that the balls do not bounce off of each other at low velocities, which is the behaviour that I require.
Just brainstorming here as I don’t have unreal open at the moment, but what happens if you try a negative value equal to the positive value of the ball?
Also, could you try restoring the Global bounce threshold to it’s default value, setting the surface restitution to 0, and the balls much higher?
No dice. Restitution is clamped between 0.0 and 1.0