Can I sell product which is developed based on GAS

Hi All!

I am currently building an ARPG general framework which is developed upon the Unreal GAS (Gameplay Ability System). Specifically, I am heavily using GAS for character attributes, abilities, game effects and etc. Although I assume GAS is an Unreal built-in feature and I do see there are many marketplace assets built on GAS (e.g. GAS Companion, and Combo Graph and etc.), I still hope to get an official answer that my framework is allowed to sell on the marketplace.

Thank you!



Just have a look at the guidelines.

2.6.1.d Plugins can depend on Unreal Engine plugins distributed with the engine, but must not depend on other user-made Unreal Engine plugins.

Thanks for the reply Pladux!! So can I safely regard “GAS” as Unreal Engine plugins distributed with the engine? Just double check… cause this is super important to my framework. Thanks!!

Yes, even Niagara is a built-in plugin.