Can I run UE4?

Hello, I’m currently looking to learn a game engine and I’m very interested in UE4 but first, can I run the editor?

I don’t have a very powerful pc but at least I hope I’ll be able to make games that I can run on my machine.

These are my specs:

  • Intel core i5-4460 3.2GHz
  • Intel HD 4600
  • 8 GBs ram

I tried running Unity and I think it works fine for me and I hope so does UE4.

I rather use UE4 over Unity because I just like the whole ecosystem Epic Games provides and because of that I’d like to become part of it and it’s community.

can I run the editor


That HD 4600 is not really supported so it will almost certainly give you headaches at some point. If you do not have an SSD, that 8GB will slow things down dramatically, too. UE4 is a power hungry beast.

The i5-4460 is a desktop part, so your machine should be quite upgradable. Perhaps you could add a cheap dedicated video card, a small SSD and another 2x4GB of RAM. That would put you in a quite comfortable learning zone.

thank you for you answer! I certainly will, hopefully in the near future.