Hi, I want to use UE4 or UE5 but I don’t know if I can run it. My system is Intel i5 6300U with Intel HD Graphics 520 and I found on reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/f7j1tp/can_i_run_unreal_engine_on_my_laptop/) that I have enough graphics. Have I also enough procesor? PS: Ram 16GB, 2cores, 4threads
Hey there @Vioar! Welcome to the community! Judging from the specs alone, this laptop is going to struggle a fair bit, more with 5 than 4. However, UE4 is much lighter than UE5 (even on DX11) and I do recommend giving it a shot regardless, after all the engine is free!
Some tips to be able to work from a lower end rig (because sometimes I work from my office laptop myself) would be to lower the scalability and set the viewport to unlit.
Here’s a page from the recommended requirements:
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!