Can I run a function in a specific object on the map using the console? Or maybe I can change the variable value using console
You can do reflection kinda. I am trying to figure out how to pass pointers instead of using text.
But for pointers, using playerControllers UniqueID as a s string, then find the controller by the UID string passed in.
CallRemoteFunction is avaliable with void*Args as an input, but I am yet to figure that out.
Hope this can help
void MyClass::BeginPlay()
FString functionName = "MyTestFuntion";
FString arg1 = "SomeCoolString";
FOutputDeviceNull ar;
const FString command = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s %i %s"), functionName, 34, *arg1);
CallFunctionByNameWithArguments(*command, ar, this, true);
void MyClass::MyTestFuntion(int IntInput, const FString& StringInput)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%i %s"),IntInput, *StringInput);
EDIT:: TFunctions are what we are both looking for I think.
Or this lol