Hey. I am recording a point cloud video with an app called Record3D. (It makes use of the Face ID camera). I get single OBJ point cloud files out of the app, one per frame. I import those into Blender. Here I can convert the point clouds into meshes and play the sequence recorded back. (Basically I do this: BSLIVE Record3D Point Cloud OBJ for Blender Geometry Nodes - YouTube) What I get is a sequence which plays back the single meshes.
Is there a way to import all the single meshes into Unreal and play them back, one after another basically? (Because I can’t make a skeletal mesh out of the single OBJs unfortunately.)
Thank you!!!
PS: Just some quick background: I am working on a short film and I want to record a few scenes with the aforementioned app. I would like to import the sequences to Unreal to get some camera movements around them, light etc.