Can I play back single static meshes as an animation?

Hey. I am recording a point cloud video with an app called Record3D. (It makes use of the Face ID camera). I get single OBJ point cloud files out of the app, one per frame. I import those into Blender. Here I can convert the point clouds into meshes and play the sequence recorded back. (Basically I do this: BSLIVE Record3D Point Cloud OBJ for Blender Geometry Nodes - YouTube) What I get is a sequence which plays back the single meshes.

Is there a way to import all the single meshes into Unreal and play them back, one after another basically? (Because I can’t make a skeletal mesh out of the single OBJs unfortunately.)

Thank you!!!

PS: Just some quick background: I am working on a short film and I want to record a few scenes with the aforementioned app. I would like to import the sequences to Unreal to get some camera movements around them, light etc.

Hi Mkp81,

Yes you can do that, but you’ll need to create a simple Blueprint to handle it.

Basically you would just have an array of the static meshes in the blueprint (you can fill that array by selecting your meshes in the content browser and dragging them into your array in the blueprint)

Then all you would need to do is to have a “StaticMesh Component”, and you would change it’s static mesh to the meshes in your array in the tick function (set the tick interval to the playback speed, eg 10 frames per second is an interval of 0.1)

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