Hi, I am wondering if I can Move An Object In C++; I know how to do it in The Tick function, But I Dont Know If I Can Do it in A Custom Function. Can Someone Please Help.
You can still do it in a custom function! All you have to do is have a reference to the actor you want to move and use SetActorLocation/SetActorRotation
If you’re adding an offset on Tick event for example, you should use DeltaTime!
No problem if you’re satisfied with the answer, make sure to mark it as correct, otherwise, let me know what other questions you have!
Can I use DeltaTime in the function?
Can I use DeltaTime in the function?
Thank you for helping!
Hello, sorry for asking this late, but I made a function called Move and added DeltaTime to it, and I get an error in .AddDynamic can you help?
Trigger->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &AMove :: Move);