I want to make a WW2 shooting game. I want to know the limitations on how much stuff in can put in my game that Might be considered “Offensive”
Germany has historically asked for censorship of Nazi imagery in games that are sold in Germany, but this limitation is relaxing more and more. I don’t know of anywhere else that has such a limitation. Whether or not some might consider it offensive is a separate matter that does not preclude you from making the game you want to make.
Edit: looks like the ban in Germany has been entirely lifted. See this article: Germany lifts total ban on Nazi symbols in video games - BBC News
The wolfenstein franchise has gone over the top with it several times.
so, does that mean I can sort of put anything I want in the game?
Pretty much, as long as it’s not illegal in your release region (like sexual situations with minors perhaps). If Epic objects to the content of your game, the worst that happens there is they ask you not to use the Unreal Engine logo in marketing or in-game. They do not attempt to stop your release for any reason.
One possible issue with content could also be violation of copyrights or patents. Obviously you can’t use other people’s intellectual property in your game, especially if you plan to gain from it monetarily. There are also certain game mechanics which are patented and as such can’t be used.
Ok thanks you have really helped me out with my game. I am not planning on adding anything illegal.
Best of luck on your project!
Depends where you are in the world. If you’re in Germany or some EU countries then that’s a big NO, Nazi’s are banned. But in the southern hemisphere we have lower censorship in Australia, you can depict the Nazi flag in games or other media. Example is the game Wolvernstein very old game was the bases of all Doom first person games has Nazi depictions of characters and symbols and it’s only rated MA+ users 15 & over.
So yeah in a truely free society like Australia we can write or produce just about any content as long as it’s censorship rated for what audience, you’ can’t sell XXX rated content in the PG category is what i’m saying here.
As for Epic’s policies on releasing content on there platform you might want to get the right information for you’re geographical area of the world and any censorship requirements one might meet to release projects on what platform or service like the Epic Market Place.
Is there any WWII game that doesn’t have nazis?