Can i make an infinte world in UE4

Hey GameDev ,

I am using Unreal engine 4.26 the latest version.I want to make a game like GRAND THEFT AUTO V and I want to make a large Open world with a city of building,roads,cars but cannot make any infinte ocean or a large scale map in UE4.26 can anyone help me to do this Please

A new GameDev

It took 300+ professionals 5 years & $300m or so to make that game. It’s going to take you around 1500 years… and that’s providing you simplify things.

But don’t let that stop you and have a look at world composition:

can anyone help me to do this

What kind of help are you expecting?

your looking at creating a loop of streamed in levels to create an infinite ocean or landscape. but…

if you are planing to do this as multiplayer you are looking at 10 times the work if you are talking single player and can get away with a “stylised” (lowpoly) world then its entirley possible. it would cost you betwween $1m and $2m (for single player) in programmers fees and assets or around 6000 hours learning before you start. if you are going to try then start with silly so you dont demoralise yourself. market place assets are awesome to learn from but dont expect any to work out of the box and most of all make your journy fun(it can be a soul destroying thing to do otherwise)