Can I make a trigger of a specific shape?

Hello! For some reason I need to have a trigger area as a child of the player, in order to make it overlap with spawn points and spawn stuff on specific locations only when the player isn’t facing them (see picture).
Would it be possible to make a trigger area of a specific shape, say, like that one in the picture? if yes, how?

Hi Snowbro,

You sure can. First step would be to go to the BSP section of the content browser and add a shape to start your editing from (From your diagram, I’m not sure if this is suppose to be 2D or 3D, but a sphere may be best.)

Drag that into the level and then select it. On the details section, go to the ‘Convert Actor’ drop down and select ‘Trigger Volume’.

Now comes the editing. To add more vertices, increase the tessellation if needed, after that select the ‘Geometry Editing’ mode at the top left (Or Shift+5). You can then select individual vertices and move them to create the shape.

Hope this helps and that you have a nice day

I want to know how to add more vertices. Could you tell me? Thank you.

If you need more of an explanation, I would suggest creating your own answerhub post. Also include what kind of asset you’re trying to add vertices to.