Can I make a character walk on any surface in any direction?

Hello everyone, I’ve been wracking my brain over this and after viewing different youtube videos (CodeLikeMe, etc) and trying out different plug-ins (Directional Gravity & Dynamic Gravity Character). I’m not really sure how to proceed or even if the approach I’m taking is the best one. What I’m trying to accomplish is creating a player character that can walk on various surfaces (Floor to Wall, Wall to ceiling, etc) seamlessly. I thought maybe changing the walking mode to flying like in the CodeLikeMe videos would work but I wasn’t getting the results I was hoping for. Then I tried changing the gravity vector through a plugin (Directional Gravity) with some success but ultimately I’m still not satisfied. My ideal result would behave something like the movement from Alien Vs Predator Classic 2000. Like this: ✂️ Example - YouTube . I want to use movement like this for a third person multiplayer game where you play as insects that can cling to different surfaces in different orientations. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can accomplish this I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

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Did a quick googlin and found this

Hey thanks for taking the time to respond. I mentioned that I saw the videos from CodeLikeMe already. I wasn’t able to get the results from the video I was looking for. Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my question.

theres ninja plugin i think. i havent used it yet, but its free. seems pretty cool for like a run 2 asthetic (anyone remember that game?) and play style. ive been thinking of making a mobile shooter game with it. heres the trailer:

UE4 Ninja Character Plugin Trailer - YouTube

i would also like to know a bit more about your game. whats the actual point of it? is it just vrchat but youre bugs?

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Ah sorry about that didn’t even look at the video’s author.
That plugin DancingRichardo posted looks promising especially since it’s free.
I also came across this, since it’s a blueprint yo might be able to figure out how it’s working: Crawling Monsters in Blueprints - UE Marketplace

Thanks DancingRicardo66, I’ll look into that plugin! I’m still fleshing it out but thinking along the lines of a multiplayer game with bugs and other creatures.

ShiftedDesign, no worries! I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with all of this. I’ll take a look at the Crawling Monsters BP on the marketplace as well! Thanks again!
