Can I localize display name of app on mobile (iOS & Android) ?
There is just one name on project settings
Please anyone help me~
Can I localize display name of app on mobile (iOS & Android) ?
There is just one name on project settings
Please anyone help me~
Projet settings > Android > Application display name
Projet settings > iOS > Bundle display name
Thank you.
But what I need is how to localize app’s name.
That text box can insert just one name.
I want to display names by nations.
I found a way about Android.
step 1.
make “values-xx” folders in " [projectfolder]\Build\Android\res "
** xx means nation code
step 2.
make string.xml files in values-xx folders.
** It must UTF-8
step 3.
edit string.xml files
step 4.
Build & deploy , you can see the localized name~
iOS example :