struct FMonsterData : public FTableRowBase {
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Data")
int MonsterType;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Data")
int MonsterMaxHp;
I import JSON file to ‘Content Browser’ → 'Import As" (DataTable) → MonsterData,
then I can read this data table.
My question is… Can I have more than one table which ‘DataTable Row Type’ is same?
Because several game designers work his or her Monster json file, I want to split these json files like this,
‘MonsterVillege.json’, ‘MonsterCastle.json’, ‘MonsterCave.json’.
When I import several json files, it’s ok but,
UDataTable has data from only first json file and ignore the rest files.
Should I merge all json files into one big file or anything suggesstions?
Or can I make ‘Data Table’ have several ‘Source File’?
In direct answer to your question, yes you can have more than one table with the same DataTable row type. Try it and see.
However taking a step back, do you need to? JSON is text; it doesn’t need to be “split” to have several contributors work at the same time. If you are using a source control system, many people may edit the contents of the same file at the same time. When checking work back in the changes will be merged with one another. If separate parts of the file are edited by each person, this merge process should be completely automatic. My recommendation would be to bang 'em into one file and job done.
NB. FWIW Importing multiple JSON files works in editor 4.16.2; hilight the multiple files in explorer and drag to the contents pane.
Hi, DerPurpelHelmut. Thanks for your reply.
As I said, I tried more than one table with the same DataTable row. They are added in ‘Content Browser’. But, when I try read these table, only one of them is saved. Rest of tables is not added in UDataTable::RowMap. ( I use 4.16.2)
And thank for your advice about JSON merge process. Out team use Perforce and it works perfectly as expects. But in this question, please just focus about how to have multiple table.
So, when you try to read the table, only the first table has any data contained? Even though the data is shown as present in the asset in Content Browser?
Are you sure it’s a problem with the saving down, if it’s shown there? How are you reading the table?
Hmm. I think I’m wrong. I should change my question.
I read table data by UDataTable::FindRow.
What I wish is to make Uasset DataTable have several source file.
For example, I want to make 3 Json data into 1 Data Table asset.
Thanks for your help, DerPerpelHelmut.