Can I have a streaming volume inside another streaming volume?

I have one level map that stores the large terrain for one big section of my map and a small group of objects. That has one big streaming volume around it. Then I have several other level maps 2-9 that store just objects (trees, grass, etc) for additional sections of that terrain. Each of these has it’s own streaming volume. I want the first level map to be loaded when the player is in volume 1. Then when the player is in streaming volumes 2-9, I want both the first level map and the level map for that section of objects to be loaded. How do I do this?

I don’t need the same terrain loaded for the entire game. This is just one island of the entire map.

I think you can just have nested streaming volumes. Have you tried it?

I tried creating the larger one for the terrain and a smaller one just covering the objects I want to stream in for level map 2, but it only loads up level map 1 (volume 1).

I’m not even sure if the first streaming volume works, as level map 1 loads when starting the game anyway.

Edit: I even tried creating one giant streaming volume covering eveything (levels 1-3, all terrain, all objects). It still only loads level map 1 and ignores the others! : /