I want to make something like a moving platform, but so that the player and enemies can move around on it. I heard that it is quite tricky to make “unnatural” gravity/movement, problematic for me as potentially my platform may turn a lot and go upside down, and not just like a basic elevator setup.
Is it best to make the backgruond move to give the illusion of movement, or is there any easy-ish way to make this happen?
what I mean is something like: this link
(minor spoilers for a nier automata boss fight)
Is this kind of thing going to take a lot of work, and will it require C++? (i’m guessing so)
My problem is that if the platform tilts or goes upside down, or even too fast, the player doesn’t “stick” to the platform (which makes sense physically, but is not useful for the game)
Hm, that makes sense. I’ve seen people create custom gravity systems for something like walking on a sphere. Consider asking in the forums, too in case you don’t get good answers here.
You are specifically asking about walking on tilting surface, right? Put it in your topic to attract more attention.