Can i get the UE's rendering module?

Hi, everyone.
Now, i develop the 3D archviz program. I need 3D rendering module.
As we know, UE is the best 3D visualization tool.
So, i decide to use the UE’s rendering module. but don’t know how to get it.
Would anyone help me? thanks in advance.

Hey @garry0905! Welcome to the forums!

Are you referring to the code? Or do you mean changing Lumen settings, ray casting settings, etc.?

Any additional specifics you provide will go a long way in solving your problem. If the above is what you needed, let me know!

Thank you for your response. Sorry to be late at response.
I refer to the UE’s rendering module code.
Only render engine code which can be used to develop the archviz program.
I don’t need the UE’s UI at all.

Unfortunately, the Two links that you attached isn’t what i need.

Hey @garry0905,

I believe what you are looking to do is build the engine from source to get full access to the source code. Check out the documentation on how to do so here:

I hope the above is the solution you were looking for!

Hi @Quetzalcodename!
So, do you mean that i have to build the full UE project and extract the required rendering code module?
In other words, there is no portable, modular rendering library separated from Unreal Engine?
Ok, i’ll try it following the links.
Thank you for your trouble…