Can I fork the Unreal Tournament Project to make something else ? I would not use copyrighted assets, but adapt the existing code and blueprints to make another game. (code would not be shared with non UE4 licencee)
You are welcome to use UT code/blueprints in your own projects.
Okay thanks ! I’m glad to hear that.
wow its impressive how cool epic’s company politics are…
you made me feel good very often this year :>
i just love you guys!
best wishes to epic and the best engine i ever worked with!
its a pleasure beeing onboard!
Since this question was answered, the code and content of Unreal Tournament has changed, as well as the EULA. Users are no longer allowed to use the content from UT to create your own software/game. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Well the original answer did say Code/Blueprints … but thanks for the clarification .
I am assuming the Code/Blueprints are still allowed to be used?
I’m sorry to say that is correct; Epic’s rules changed including in regards to code/blueprints. In the EULA, Unreal Tournament Content definition includes code, and the license to use Unreal Tournament Content only includes working on the UT project.
The restriction is in relation to code or content in GitHub UnrealEngine Network /UnrealTournament/Source or /UnrealTournament/Content/RestrictedAssets.
Could you please clarify this further:
Can nothing from UnrealTournament repository can be used?
Can C++ code from the UnrealTournament repository be used?
Can we use assets (maps, textures, meshes, music, etc.) from UnrealTournament? (I think this one is a pretty obvious and reasonable “No”.)
Can UnrealTournament blue prints (those which do not use/include assets) be used?