Can I force movement mode to be walking? (never falling)

I’m trying to manually assign if my character is walking or falling, is there anyway to do that in blueprint??

Try using the SetMovementMode node (wired from CharacterMovementComponent).

there must be a Can Fall here in movement component settings but there is not


What happens if you disable all of the “Can X” variables and then manually set it?

Yeah I had the same idea, but there’s nothing to STOP unreal from changing my movement after I’ve set it

unfortunately falling is not on the “can x” list, so walking will only work if there is a platform under you

Do you want the character to be able to fall? The title and the question combined confuse me.


You can always use a timeline to force the character-movement to walking!
That way it happens per frame and overrides the falling. And its quite affordable in terms of game-calculation.

However, You need to manually turn the timeline off again when your character is jumping/idling/swimming or any of the other modes you want. But timelines are very easy to turn off/on. :slight_smile:

Actually, let me follow that one up with a screenshot

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No, I want him to assume walking mode unless I tell him he’s falling