Can I dynamically add mesh instances in real time?

I would control the number of generated meshes ingame with a slider.

→ I have a slider and this slider should indicate that, for example, 10 boxes are currently in the image or 5 boxes, depending on the situation.

Is that somehow possible?

Can I dynamically add mesh instances in real time?

  • set up a slider:


  • script in the actor:

  • result:

Do not use Tick for this.

Your solution is good and also helpful. Thanks for the quick answer.

My only problem is that I have my controllers in a different blueprint and want to control all my things from there.
I have tried the Event Dispatcher but it doesn’t work either.

Any other ideas?

And I’m not playing a game, which means I don’t have a player.

The idea is still the same. Obtain a reference and bind the event. Without knowing how and when objects are instantiated, there’s no telling how to set it up.

Saying “different blueprint” does not help. Do explain what those BP are, where they are and how they come into play.

My example does not use the pawn, it’s irrelevant here.

Hi,you do need a least have a pawn to hold a camera.

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