I’ve seen a bunch of questions about fancy circles. I don’t care about that.
Is there a way to–in a widget-- just draw a circle, maybe with a color and a width? I know that in C++, there’s a DrawCirc command, but is there any way to do this in Blueprints/UMG?
(If the answer is just the “Debug Circle” node, will that show up in a packaged game? I want is to be a little circle that shows up around an RTS unit when the unit is selected.)
you can always just use an image of a circle and use a widget to display the image with alpha.
you need to override onPaint in the widget blueprints, and basically ‘draw’ the circle manually. Heres a link to a tutorial I made about the basics of overriding onPaint should you be interested:
to expand upon option one, what I mean is have a widget component on each unit, and just flip it visible or not when you want the circle selector to be visible.
actually, option 1 seems much simpler to me, and for option 2 (i haven’t looked at the tutorials, which almost certainly answer this question), I can’t find an onPaint node/event.
the solution i came up with before was much more CPU-intensive, but looked cooler (I used like 16 circular throbbers aligned just right, which was still significantly better than my first approach: making a grid of 625 size boxes and coloring in some of them with borders. :-))
yeah the widget component is much more straight forward, and you can still use a throbber if you want. Heres a quick visual example of 4 cubey BP’s with a widget component attached to a toggle timer. I used a centered text ‘O’ for the circle like thing here.
Biggest thing is to make sure your widget component is in screen space: