Can I delete the file from Dropbox after publishing the product?

When we publish the product, we upload it in a personal space on our behalf, such as Darpbox. After publishing, can we delete it from our personal space like Darpbox?

After product approved. Yes you can

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Yes you can, but you have to be mindful of another thing :

If you upload a version#1 of your asset marked as compatible with 5.1 for instance (referencing dropbox file A), then later upload a separate version#2 marked as 5.2 (referencing another dropbox file B), and then at some point remove the old version (A) from your dropbox, then your next update will fail because the Epic server will still attempt to recompile both versions (#1 and #2, respectively referencing dropbox sources A and B) since they will still be listed as source files (two entries).

In other words : while it is possible to delete the original source, you do need to have a valid source for each line in your product files when you request an update. Which in turn means that the best is probably to keep a single version of a product compatible with as any engine versions as possible, instead of having multiple sources/versions.

I hope this made sense somehow, as it is quite hard to explain really :smiley:

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thank you very much