Can I create player movement within an blueprint actor class?

hey all
so im making a simple game where the player is falling down and you have to dodge left and right to reach the bottom, now im using a static mesh object as the main player as its a simple object falling down. and im trying to use axis inputs to move the player left and right but its just not happening. Im using an actor class blueprint as my main file and would prefer if i can keep everything in there as the player will only move left and right, no other actions., or would i need to make a new blueprint for the player?

ive tried using axisinput mapped to keyboard keys, but now just trying to find out if its possible.
thanks in advance


What you could do is take a look at the Side Scrolling Template as that will give you Left/Right only movement you are looking for.

You’ll probably want to lower the Gravity Scale (since the default will have you falling pretty fast) and perhaps upping the Air Control (but that’s up to you). Both of these can be edited from the Defaults tab of the MyCharacter Blueprint. Raise the player start above the ground and play with it to get it where you want.

Hope this helps,


hi, thanks for your reply, i took a look into the side scroller however i noticed the character movement is inside an character class blueprint. is it possible to control a mesh left and right within an Actor class instead?
I say this while looking at the tappy chicken project ue4 comes with, the entire game is within an actor class and i would like to somewhat do the same if possible