Can I convert procedural blueprint meshes into diferent static meshes?


I’m using this simple blueprint to generate a procedural set of bushes. Could it be possible to convert this set into individual static meshes in any way? This way I could resize or move them one by one after being generated.

If it is not possible using blueprints, which would be the right way to achieve this?


Hey some trick!

You can right click on blueprint and convert them to Static Meshes!
Or long time ago i made a plugin which searching all static mesh component in a blueprint and creating real staticmeshes from them: Simple Static Mesh converter (BP - static mesh component to real static mesh) - Community Content, Tools and Tutorials - Unreal Engine Forums

Give it a try… im not updating this “small” plugin since 1 year, but should work :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! Just what I needed :slight_smile:

hey bro can you provide me the link it says oops not found