hey there,
first of all i like the engine. it’s a great tool.
my system
win 7 64 bit prof
16GB Ram
core i7
Gforce 770 gtx
what i dont like is visual studio.
- VS Autocompletion - does not work
(takes 20 seconds to open every time
i press ctrl-space → not acceptable
for me) - VS Professional with VAX costs a lot
of money but works. - VS Rebuild and Static code analysis
breaks the engine and i cannot
compile the project. the solution to
this is that i have to create a new
project and copy the source files
between them. This problem is not
based on Epic’s side. its on the
Visual Studio side(was described in
another ticket).
What i want is to just use QT creator, or sublime or Eclipse or anything else rather than visual studio.
Is there a way to build things together manually? I just cant afford visual studio professional with visual assist and the free version is not acceptable to use.
if there is no way i will be using sublime text to work on the .cpp and .h files of my project and then only press build in visual studio.