Can I build / compile the game manually without visual studio?

hey there,

first of all i like the engine. it’s a great tool.
my system
win 7 64 bit prof
16GB Ram
core i7
Gforce 770 gtx

what i dont like is visual studio.

  • VS Autocompletion - does not work
    (takes 20 seconds to open every time
    i press ctrl-space → not acceptable
    for me)
  • VS Professional with VAX costs a lot
    of money but works.
  • VS Rebuild and Static code analysis
    breaks the engine and i cannot
    compile the project. the solution to
    this is that i have to create a new
    project and copy the source files
    between them. This problem is not
    based on Epic’s side. its on the
    Visual Studio side(was described in
    another ticket).

What i want is to just use QT creator, or sublime or Eclipse or anything else rather than visual studio.
Is there a way to build things together manually? I just cant afford visual studio professional with visual assist and the free version is not acceptable to use.

if there is no way i will be using sublime text to work on the .cpp and .h files of my project and then only press build in visual studio.

We actually use NMake rather than Visual Studio itself to handle the builds, however the VS solution still contains some NMake defines that are needed to build UE4.

Your simplest solution would probably be to invoke Visual Studio via the command line from whatever program you’re doing the editing in; as an example, this builds the QAGame project of UE4 in the Debug Editor configuration:
“%VS120COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\devenv” “D:\Epic2\UE4\UE4.sln” /build “Debug Editor” /project QAGame

You can probably use that as a starting point for getting your game build working; you’ll need to translate the devenv commands to WDExpress (I believe they’re mostly the same, but the Express version is lacking some features):

thanks :slight_smile: i will try immediately :slight_smile: