Can i add text on my static mesh

i was just wondering if i can add name on this static mesh (cross)

I think you can only do that inside the program you made the model in… That’s the only way I know how to do it.
(If someone knows how to do it in the engine. Which I doubt. Please do tell us!)

If you were to make it into a blueprint, you could use a decal, or you could use a Text Render Component, which would allow you to customize the text anytime you want.

can i chose another form of the text ??

You can import any font if that’s what you are looking for :slight_smile:

I would use a TextRender component rather than a decal.
For texts of varying lengths, a TextRender can be set to be “centered”. With a decal it might be difficult to adjust from “Al Short” to “Shin Kakafuja Longismyname” :slight_smile: