Can Content Examples (UE5.0) be used on a 3gb GPU?

I have a GTX 1060 with 3gb of memory and the Content examples use around 2.5gb it seems, so the player can barely move on play and a log says the memory is over a limit.

Can I switch something off or similar to improve performance?

I am also getting this on build:
[Actor] : Large Actor casts a shadow and will cause an extreme performance hit unless bUseBooleanEnvironmentShadowing is set to true

But I cannot find this variable or setting in the BP_DemoRoom that is responsible for this error

You can go into settings, in the top right corner, above the viewport. Then go to engine scalability settings and select low for all settings. Then the game should look worse bet playable!

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Awesome, got it to be usable with those settings, thank you!

I would still like to know how to solve the shadow error if anyone has an idea
Where would I find these variables in a BP_DemoRoom object?

You could try and do a console command? Not sure what this problem is, but Iā€™m just guessing.