Can blueprint be used to fill a world?

Hi sorry for noob question but i definitely have a curiosity: could i use for example an actor class blueprint (with a couple of components like an house and a tree) to add stuff to a multiplayer map? i mean does this bp need replication or can they used freely? tnx

you want the components to be randomly placed on the map? or just one house with tree etc on the place you want?

If an actor is replicated and is spawned on Server, all of its components are going to be spawned in the same time. So if you made a BP composed of 2 static meshes components and one child actor they will spawn alongside the replicated actor on the client.

the second one

but isn’t it terribly heavy spawn an entire city of Actors when you are playing?

yes it is heavy to spawn an entire city on runtime.

so what would it be the solution to this kind of problem? Basically what i need its a system that allow me to put in my world “bloks” of stuff (buildings or props) …does this exist in ue?

Do it piece by piece when no one is looking.

While the player is making their way around the mountain pass, the world beyond that last bend is loading in a chunk at a time.

maybe have them on the map from beginning but invisible and with no collision. and if you need them turn both on. you could have all the stuff in a huge collision box which gets all actors that are overlapping and loops the visibility and collision for all of them

yehh…ahah bro i just have a big big prob;D its desert ahahah

no what i meant majek is…have i to build my world piece by piece using single static meshes or can i put for example 10 static mesh in an actor blueprint and put it in the world. This does work in single player but will this work in multiplayer?will i see that static blueprint or do i need to replicate them (i assume it means a looooooooooooot of **** in multiplayer cuz 64 player shooting eachother plus world to load means bad ping)

Check out “level streaming” possibilities.

Also I believe Blueprints is not what you’re looking for if you want open worlds, multiple PVP, instances, multiplayer level streaming and stuff like that. C++ would be the way to go I believe.

yeah buut atm i dont have a programmer and i dont know anything bout c++ =(