Can AR tracking image showing in editor window?

Hi everyone
I’m trying to make an ar project,following some tutorial and successfully showing meshs above tracking image in my Xiaomi Pad 6.

However, it just spawn actors that I want to show, and still nothing on the editor window, thus I can’t set the artors’ transform
Previously I tried AR in Unity Vuforia and other H5 platform. Developing on those platform, there’s a reference tracking image in editor scene, in order to set meshs to correct transform. Just like↓

( The blue-red icon is the tracking image, white box and basket of apple is meshswill display)

Now I want to know, is there any way to show tracking image to editor window to make a referance, or the tracking image is always at location(0,0,0)? If so, what about rotation and scale of tracking image.

More over, what will happen (and how to) set 2 or more images as tracking image? Is there anyway to get the transform of camera (or the handheld device) relative to the tracking image

If I understand correctly what you are trying to do, you want to build an offset for where the Actor will spawn in relation to the physical target image. There are a few ways of doing this, but I think the simplest would be to create a BP Actor and add the static mesh asset you want to spawn as a component of the BP. Then spawn that BP Actor instead of your original StaticMesh. Then in your BP asset, you can offset the translation of static mesh component so that it has your desired offset.

If you want a visual representation of the tracking image then you can add a plane to the BP asset and put the image on that plane as a material. You’ll want to scale the plane to match the physical size of the real physical tracking image that you’ll use. Then you can set that plane to Hidden in Game. So you’ll see your reference plane in the editor or BP viewport, but not in your game.

I’m not sure I understand your question about the rotation and scale of the tracked image. With your BP code, if the user rotates the tracked image it will rotate your BP actor. Tracked images always have a scale of 1. I don’t think ARkit/ARcore track scale changes, and it’s usually really hard to interactively scale real-world physical objects.

If you want to print your physical tracking images at different sizes I’d suggest using different visual image/patterns for the different sizes. ARkit/ARcore can confuse size with distance from camera so it’s a good idea to tell the AR session the correct size of the physical image.

It is absolutely possible to track multiple images simultaneously. You just need to create multiple ARCanidateImage objects and add them to the AR Session config file. Then in your BP, where you check that the ARgeometry is your tracked image you just need to check if it’s the other tracked images as well.

To get the camera movement as well as tracking the images, you just need to set your AR Session type to “World” in your AR Session config file.

This project on Fab is a pretty good starting place for learning this stuff

I tried to place an actor as a coordinate reference, which is called “BP_BaseCoord” and is located at the zero point of the world coordinates.
Then, I printed the positions of “BP_MyARPawn”(copy from BP_ARPawn), “BP-ROGHime” (which is the actor I want to display on the reference image), and “BP_BaseCoord”
I don’t know whether I print MyARPawn correctly

This is the real-time image I captured

It shows the locations of MyARPawn and BaseCoord are always be zero, I may get it wrong, but how to get the location of my pad?

If you want the world location of your device you need to get the World Location of the Camera component of ARPawn.
