Can anyone with experience with physics substepping help me?

I have a ball that is propelled by a physics thruster component. It works fine when it moves at slow speeds but when I add a boost of speed it jerks and hitches and get’s stuck.

Example: 2022-03-10_15-25-02.mkv - Google Drive 2022-03-10_16-15-03.mkv - Google Drive

I discovered substepping and I thought it would be the answer to my problems but now UE crashes when the ball moves fast.

Substepping on crash example: UE5Crash2022-03-11_10-44-39.mp4 - Google Drive


This is the movement BP code: BP ball movement posted by Tetralogy | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine 4

These are the ball’s components:

Thruster details:

Anyone know what to do? What’s the right way to make a physics based game?