Can anyone help solve this? Thought it was an easy one.

Can anyone help solve this? I’ve posted twice before not even one reply. I don’t know if it is because the issue is too obscure for anyone to help because it’s a plugin?


How do I properly set the object in my level blueprint for my ‘Cast To OSC_REC’ node in order to bind to it’s EventDispatcher?

The usual ‘Get Player Character’ doesn’t work. Probably because OSC_REC isn’t a character. It is a 3rd party plugin and when creating it’s own blueprint I had to add it as it’s own object.

I’m not sure how to add the proper object on the level blueprint to cast it so I can bind to it’s EventDispatcher. Level blueprints don’t have components, so I can’t drag the OSC_REC object onto the blueprint to reference it.

The error in my level blueprint

The OSC_REC blueprint with my EventDispatcher

Error when I try to add the OSC object itself

2nd error when trying to drag off the object pin and add the OSC_REC

The actual blueprint class

You may be better off adding the OSCReceiver as an actor to the level, and then find it in your level blueprint with a “GetAllActorsOfClass”…

Thank you for responding and thank you for the tip. I tried it out and it works :slight_smile: This has been a month long battle. I appreciate it!

For anyone needing this thread in the future. Here is the working Blueprint for the level and the OSC server which allows you to receive MIDI messages from the OSC actor and create an eventdispatcher which the level can listen to and then call events.

Level Blueprint

OSC Blueprint

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