I just need help reading the stat unit and profilegpu. I dont exactly no what I need to fix and I cant really determine the root of the problem. My game is meant to run on higher end iphones and only lags slightly at certain places on the iphone 14. I do have a post process that is meant for mobile and I shouldnt have to many materials not meant for mobile. This is also the mobile preview.
It’s easier if you click the top of the ms column to sort by highest first.
But from what you have there right now, I’d say try removing the post processing volume ( if you have one… )
Is their any settings to change for the post process volume because its meant for mobile and I bought it from the ue4 marketplace. Also I see translucency is causing some lag to. Should I remove all of my translucency, Third I have a sky light and a directional dynamic light overlapping one another. Is deleting one of those beneficial? My game isnt lagging bad so Im just tryin to see if I can improve it just a tad bit without causing to much change.
Please show the sorted column
its weird because the post processing one isnt being sorted for some reason. I keep pressing sorted and that one isnt being sorted correctly. Thats why I tried to send three pictures.
Well, it seems safe to say the PP is causing the problem.
I guess you can always show this chart to the vendor?
Having a movable skylight and directional is pretty normal, unless you’re really going for it and want to use static light. But then you wouldn’t be using this PP and translucency.
Working for mobile is all about efficiency, and translucent is well know for being heavy.
It’s really up to you though