Can anybody help with adding stretch resolution to a map?

I’m wondering how to add stretch resolution + maybe changeable fov to my 1v1 map? I’ve looked a lot online and couldn’t find a way to do it. I’m pretty new to map making and would appreciate any help. If you’re looking for reference I’ll post a pic: Screenshot - 0327ea0401c3f15e37bad97fe6f9c03c - Gyazo

Hi Davey, Welcome to the Forums.

I searched Youtube for “uefn fov” and see at least 2 tutorials that will help with this. (One of which can be found on the learning hub by searching “fov” in the Fortnite tutorials section)

Big picture: It’s accomplished by abusing the functionality in the camera/screen shake system.

I see thank you very much, any luck on the stretch resolution part? That’s the main concern I have right now.

any update on doing this. i know you have to use post process material but not exactly what to add to it?

me too, im also looking for the resolution changer