Can any brains solve getting two virtual joysticks to work on a pc executable

I’m looking to stream my workstation to a mobile device, using Parsec.

Now, ive set it all up and it works great, i would also like to run virtual joysticks for moving and looking around. In my head it could be done, although useless on a pc with the one mouse input device. Maybe it would be possible to recognise the touch on a mobile device?

If any of you guys have an idea for this let me know. I like to think everything is possible!


An idea that I’ve wondered about is to position the right virtual joystick directly over the left one, and then use a keyed flipflop to toggle between which joystick should respond to the mouse.

The untoggled joystick would probably recentre but perhaps its position could be stored then reinstated next toggle?

I’ve had a bit of a play trying this but it was too hard for me and I haven’t pursued it further.