In my third-person beat-em-up game, I use individual montages for each animation in the attack combos and have set their blend out times to the exact point in the animation in which I want the next combo input to be accepted and played out, along with some other logic happening “on blend out.”
The issue I’ve just run into is that my character can upgrade his attack speed, which is handled simply by passing that variable into the play rate pin. Since the animation speed is now increased, the blend out time needs to be reduced or it causes some really whacky animation issues, and since a lot of the logic of the fighting is handled on blend out, the logic goes bonkers, as well.
I’ve found the node for “get default blend out time” but there isn’t one for “set default blend out time.” The blend out time within the montage doesn’t seem to have any way to interact with it with blueprint, so I’m more than a little stumped here. Any advice on how to control blend out time with blueprint or c++?