Can Action mapping have a value?

I am creating an action to enter numbers on my keyboard and select the corresponding inventory.
The problem is that if use action mapping, too many functions overlap, and if use axis mapping, the function calls are wasted every frame.

In my opinion the best solution is to find the key value during action mapping, or to adjust like SetActorTickEnabled () during Axis mapping, but it is not easy to find the function.

Can I get a hint to solve this?
Or I want to know how others wrote the code.

You can make custom delegate with parameters and bind it in BindAction

In header:

DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FSomeDelegate, int32);

In cpp

void ASomeCharacter::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) {

        PlayerInputComponent->BindAction<FSomeDelegate, ASomeCharacter, int32>("SomeAction", IE_Pressed, this, &ASomeCharacter::OnSomeAction, IntGoesHere);


Thank you. It works nice.