Can a Set Timer function be triggered by Event Tick

I have code set up to spawn a Horde of enemies when a certain wave number is hit. This code is duplicated from a code that does work (but without the conditional). However, I only want this horde to begin spawning when a specific condition (wave >= 5) is met. From my experience, a Set Timer by Function Name will only work properly if it is attached to the Event BeginPlay. The problem is, the branch will only check if the condition is met one time. I’ve tried some While Loops, but the engine detects an infinite loop. What is the best way for the game to spawn more pawns when a specific condition is met?

If this is only supposed to happen just the one time, you can use the “Do Once” node just before the Timer.

Do try to make things event based though.
So do the check when you increase the wave int, instead of checking every frame (which is very wasteful)
Basically you could have an event in the blueprint you’re showing with a “CheckWave” function. Which you call from the game mode. You can even pass the WaveNumber as a parameter instead of having to get it all the way from the game mode.