Can a prostetic limb sensor be used to transmit body movements to pc?

I dont think that you can transmit body movements with the limb sensor but you can use a Vive tracker to track Body movements

I hope it helps

and can it be used as a player interface controller?

For a more precise representation, you should also look into the possibility to sense the state of the prosthetic limb (angle, angular speed and angular acceleration, load, etc.) and transmit it to UE4 via a COM interface. This could be useful:


yes but with this you could only need a few sensors to track ur electric nerve impulses and give you a sense of touch to.

Prostetic sensor tracks electrical activities of the nerves and transmits them to data movement so instead of moving a prostetic limb you could be moving in vr with little setup.

You need to get the EMG signal out of the prosthetic sensor, convert it to an actuator signal (angular speed or torque) and then send it UE4 via an interface. The one I suggested earlier based on Arduino could be an option. Once you have the signal inside UE4 you can surely use it to drive the angle/angular speed/torque of a virtual prosthesis. Cool project!

thx i would love to help develop this somewhere :slight_smile:
because it will be all about recieving and giving body signals to incorporate two realities.